Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Blue Whales & Humpback Whales Just Incredible Whale Watching Out Of Newport Beach, California, USA (from Lia at Newport Landing)

Hi Everyone  (Lia at Newport Landing)

Just incredible whale watching sightings the last 6 days with blue whales, humpback whales, finback whales, minke whales, and brydes whales all viewed. I think this is a first in over 25 years of whale watching to have so many different types of whales at one time in our area.

The sightings have been just incredible; humpback whales breaching (coming almost completely out of the water) many times even our whale watching captains are in awe. Then blue whales fluking and remaining on the surface for extended lengths and brydes whales usually found in the tropics now being viewed off Newport Beach


High Sierra


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